Directed by Jonas Lord – assistant director previous of MJC crackers “Burning Bright” and “Everything” – the new video for Comfort, melds bone chilling and beauty with effortless grace. Using creepy skin casings, apocalyptic skies, sea snakes and cave paintings, it “explores metamorphosis through various forms of being” – calling upon a myriad of surreal symbolism.
Captivating and spellbinding, yet dark and squeamishly freakish – It’s like witnessing the birth, and re birth of an alien being. Journeying through several cocoon-like states – including a milky water birth – she finally ascends to a regal and seriously oozy finality. Here she becomes a black bodied, bald headed, bare boobed and incredibly formidable femme with juice leaking from her crevices, and smoke emanating from her heart. Shit gets real. There’s a powerfully disarming, and eerie sexiness to this woman that’ll leave you queasy, and in possible need of a cold shower.
Once again the eternally original and ever-so-cooky Maya Jane Coles has blown me away. I love.