Our next selection of attention-worthy releases comes courtesy of a particularly hardworking British tag-team. As a pair they’ve played parties spanning three decades, and have heard enough solid techno to last anyone four lifetimes.
So then, we extend a very warm welcome to Ben Long & Jamie Bissmire, AKA the Space DJz, as they enter our fold for another series of recommendations. And after releasing tracks on legendary imprints like Infonet, Soma, and Nova Mute, they know a thing or too about good tunes. Artists like Mark Broom, The Advent & Industrialyzer, Technasia and Sasha Carassi prove they’ve put together a heavy selection, which also features a few cuts so underground we couldn’t even link to them…
Mark Broom / Satellite Mix One / Beard Man 8
Blake Baxter & Psycatron / She is Music / Planet E
The Advent & Industrialyzer / Post It / Advanced Intelligence
Space DJz / Traktor Toolz Vol 2 / Potential Recordingz
Technasia / Obsession / Technasia
BCR Boys / Error Code / Sleaze
Sasha Carassi / Fiberboard / Phobiq
Deh Noizer / Metadrome (Space DJz remix) / Impact Mechanics
Kyle Gieger & Bobby Dowell / Tigerwall (Mark Morris Remix) / Droid
Space DJz / 5th Parallel / I.CNTRL
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