Free Adam Freeland Mix.

Just a quick heads up from Plain and Simple HQ about a free Adam Freeland mix you can get your mitts on:

You can download the new mix from Adam Freeland over at Urb. This new mix shows a change of style for Freeland, with an eclectic selection of sounds that represent the kind of music he when he’s off the clock and looking for something deeper. Includes tracks by Ikonika, Ramadanman, Gold Panda and Pantha du Prince…


1.   Ikonika, Optimum- Hum
2.    Higher ground- Higherground 5
3.    Douglas Greed- Shining
4.    Todd Terje- Balearic Incarnations
5.    Ramadanman-Tempest
6.    Instra:Mental -Hot Raw Sex
7.    Chloe-Diva
8.    Claude Van Stroke-California
9.    Subway-Persuasion
10.    PBR Street Gang-Silas
11.    Pachanga-Power
12.    Gold Panda-Vanilla Minus
13.    Pantha Du Prince-Stick to my side
14.    Shelby Gray -Stateless- Undo Remix

Enjoy x

