Search Results for: Cable

Cat Vs Printer, Halloween, Kruder & Dorfmeister, DJ Sneak, Mr Scruff, Morcheeba, Bugged Out + More

If you have a DJ mix/Track/Event or silly link to share with me please mail me at: and I’ll have a look/listen. Likewise if you are reading this on the web or facebook etc and you’d like to receive my guff by mail into your inbox every week then also drop me a mail […]

Essex, cats in Sweaters, creepy Squids, Cold Cut, Mr Scruff + The Pick Of the Events This Week!

Hollerrrrrr!! How you doing folks? I’m gobsmacked at the amount of great events there are this week! was a bit hard to choose the faves this week, so there are quite a few! As well as the events and links you also have some great DJ mixes and tracks to have a listen to as […]

Redundant Gaydars, Halloween, Office Pranks, Jeremy Kyle & the pick of this weekend’s events!

Goodness gracious me! Is it really Friday already? Weasel has been off sick this week so its come round really quick! Boo for being ill but yay for it being the weekend! Right I’m sorry but I have to bring up X-Factor (those of you who hate it you may as well close the door […]

Stroppy peacocks, more peacocks, drunk history, drunk men & the picks of the weekend!

Good afternoon folks! Tick tock, Tick tock thank god it’s nearly THAT time on the clock.. Can’t wait for the weekend this week gawd!! Click below for some Friday giggles and then scroll for the picks of the weekend!!   In case you missed it earlier here is a link to a little interview I did […]

Snowbombing 2011 announces The Prodigy as Headliners.

Now that the summer festival season is behind us, you’d be forgiven for thinking that was it for week long parties until next Spring, but fear not. Plans for Snowbombing 2011, a week long ski, board and music-fest are well underway. Returning  to  Mayrhofen,  Austria  for  its  11th  year  in  2010, Snowbombing, which attracts some […]

Being a dickhead is cool… And so are the events this week!

Afternoon! Just a quick one  and a basic layout today folks because my software is playing up! First up this is simply the best youtube video I have seen in a very long time! Those of you who live or socialise in or around Shoreditch will laugh the hardest! Its like a modern day Nathan Barley. […]

Bank Holiday Shenanigans

Big up all bank holiday madness! Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, where have you been? “I’ve been to London to look at the queen.” Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, what did you there? “I got chucked in a wheelie bin innit!” ahh – this story just ran and ran didn’t it? Here’s a nice little game, you can get your own […]

The Definitive SW4 After Parties Guide

Inner city festivals have one clear advantage over most other ‘traditional’ festivals in that there are usually dozens of after parties taking place at surrounding clubs and bars to choose from. Keeping you partying well into the early hours and long after the festival music has finished South West Four Weekender has its fair share […]

Raymundo Rodriguez

Summer 2010 Radio guest mixes by Raymundo Rodriguez Raymond Isaacs AKA Raymundo Rodriguez is the quintessential London underground House music DJ… Being an avid record collector of all kinds of music from a very young age helped him forge an acute understanding of what it takes to keep dance floors moving. The last decade has […]

DJs in their room, Lady GaGa, Who? Who?, Stayin UP, 20:20, Jaded

Eeee oop! Rain rain go away don’t come back another day! Its bloody August for fecks sake! Right… Can anyone please tell me why I wake up with a different Lady GaGa record in my head like, EVERY morning?!! Its becoming odd esp when I haven’t even heard any of her stuff throughout the day! Answers on […]