The Qube club has been kept at such a low key level, they even had Nick Curly perform a secret gig two weeks prior to the actual launch. However the full frontal inaugural soiree was this past weekend with former Desolat front man Martin Buttrich steadying those opening night nerves with a fun filled, high intake of heavy house cuts. Opening events always set the standard for what is to come down the line and we all know when it comes to London clubland first impressions count bar none.
That said, upon entering and greeted impeccably by the door staff we were ushered to the VIP area and pursued to meet the finely tuned organisers who showed us the mod cons and areas of the venue. Qube is not a huge space but enough for it progress into a dark and delightful outing. Well places soundsystems married that of the tightly knit lighting panels and cube (or qube should I say) that hung effortlessly over our heads. Bars were ergonomically featured so it was easy for the gasping punter to mosey on down.
The residents cut up the first four hours or so blending some disco through to house. There has been a lot of talk recently about the dyeing trade of the resident and how on occasions they can be seen as only a cherry on the cake instead of a clinical part of the shindig. It was evident here however this wasn’t the case, and that the guys prior to the headliner were somewhat as important to the event. However to slightly contradict myself it was all about Buttrich. The German executed a sublime set of fresh edits upon his beloved audience. Not only that but he curated some on the spot additions with an edit of Laurent Garnier and even measured the crowds reaction with some heavier bombs to offer us those hands in the air style moments.
If I was one to mention, a return to the club would be imminent. Stepping away from the hardened promotion and heading down the more subtle route, Qube is a vast improvement on what was and now opts for quality not quantity approach like many other events that clog our facebook feeds. With acts like Derrick Carter, Ninetoes, Applebottom and Fur Coat to name a few all marking their territory in the coming months, The Qube sets it sights on adding West London firmly on the map within the underground market.