Frankey & Sandrino / Comeback EP
Audio Tonic Records / Released May 2012
What does it sound like?
Though we’re unsure exactly where Frankey and Sandrino have been this release on Dubai imprint Audio Tonic sees full bodied, but B-side styled house music return to our ears, which is always a good thing. The eponymous opener boasts impressive timbre, with the texture of sound impressive. All synth refrains and increasingly ravey electronic organs set to a sluggish, near dubby tempo, the anthem-like vocals bring things dangerously close to overblown, but despite the fact it gets bigger (a grower and groover no less) things only ever feel right. Credit to the production quality then, comparatively Giom’s remix is far less standout, though being entrenched in the soulful-tech camp it would be perfectly suited to white sandy beach parties, which is probably the idea given the time of year.
What higlights can I expect to hear?
As was indicated above, it’s all about the original.
Where can I buy it?