Keep an eye out for… Composer

InFine Music, the label Agoria co-founded in 2006, is pretty well known for stunning discoveries. To appreciate this one only needs to hear the hugely emotive vocals of Kid A, a young American songstress that appeared on the last album from that aforementioned producer-come-imprint-boss, and now we have more proof as one of the other faces behind said organisation has come across, or rather created another previously unknown act worth more than a little attention.

Word on the street is while running an experimental workshop in La Carriere Alexandre Cazac spotted the potential in pairing Eric Raynaud (a man InFine fans may know as Fraction) with Guillaume Eluerd (a face perhaps more commonly recognised as DIY electronica head Nimp). With one week to write and prepare for a live concert these once-strangers came up with a pretty powerful track called Seven Days.

That will now appear on the debut album from the duo, who are working under the name Composer. Scheduled to arrive on October 24th the LP, entitled The Edges of the World, is exactly the kind of thing we love; varied, emotional, and impossible to predict. Suzanne the Man, of M83 and Villeneuve fame, also provides some vocals, helping to create a strange brew that straddles everything from lo-fi indie to orchestral electro… All of which sounds a bit vague, and unfortunately we could only find one video online. However, take in Check Chuck– the opening track from the forthcoming release- then imagine the following nine tunes are remarkably different, and you should have an idea what a comprehensive overview of their oeuvre would have looked and sounded like. Unique in extremis, and all the better for it.
