NOCHEXX ‘Savage Herald b/w Charro’

NOCHEXX / Savage Herald b/w Charro


Ramp Records / Released August 2011 


What does it sound like? 

“They say he’s thrown away his laptop, and bought an MPC and 8-track” is the line James Murphy might have sung if LCD Soundsystem’s Losing My Edge had focused on this latest incarnation of the rougher and rawer than ever Werk Discs favourite and Mary Anne Hobbs Radio 1 guest. Obviously that track doesn’t include the faux lyrics above, but you should now have an idea as to what this double A-side contains.

Apparently giving up on digital and focusing on analogue kit, NOCHEXX kicks things off here with the downtempo, or perhaps just slow grooving Savage Herald. It’s electro, and pretty much as you remembered it. A chugging rhythm underpins a filtered acid hook set to a stepping beat while melodies of what could be a resampled clarinet, bumbling bassline and “woo-hooo” vocal stabs provide intermittent focal points. Charro, on the other hand, adopts a much more hectic stance as strutting breakbeats step out amass a frenzy of computer generated notes, nodding to early Matthew Herbert, a reference point emphasised when the four four finally drops. There are also some pretty huge crescendos packed with keyboard chords, meaning it’s not for everyone, but great nonetheless.

Where would I dance to it? 

Experimental dancefloors soundtracked by serious-faced DJs, think Stingray, think Percy X.

What highlights can I expect to hear? 

It’s stripped, basic, and works a treat, so Charro gets our vote.

Why should I pay for it? 

Given the fact it sounds pretty old school make like we still live in the bad old good old days and hand over some cash.

Where can I buy it? 

Rush Hour.

