Plain & Simple

Win Ableton Live 8, EDM, Logic Pro 9 AND Mixing & Mastering Course worth £399 each w/Garnish School of Sound

The Lovely guys at Garnish School of sound have extended the closing date of this amazing comp to Sept 1st due to high demand – get entering! 

Check out this brilliant competition to win a music production course of your choice at Garnish School of Sound. Free and easy to enter and totally brilliant!:

“This is the music production school London was waiting for!” Norman Jay MBE

“Your electronic music course looks awesome!” – Anthony Middleton (Audiofly)


Garnish School of Sound are giving away an Ableton Live 8, an EDM, a Logic Pro 9, AND a Mixing & Mastering course in their 2011 competition and it’s absolutely FREE to enter! That’s four courses worth £399 each. If you’re already on a course and win, you get a full refund. Just answer the following question:

Which latest version DAW only works with Apple hardware?

A) Ableton

B) Cubase

C) Logic

D) Kellogg’s Coco Pops

To enter, go to:


Closing date is Sunday 31st July and you can do your course anytime in 2011. If you do any of the summer courses and win, they will give you a full refund! The lucky winners will be picked out of the hat on Monday August 1st. Strictly one entry per email address… Good luck!

And to check out the course information click:



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