Roger Sanchez is a name synonymous with House Music. With a career spanning several decades, he’s seen it all.
We managed to get a few words from one of our favourite DJ/Producers during his busy summer schedule and ahead of his return to Ministry of Sound this Saturday…
P&S: Hi Roger – how are you?
Just great, thanks! It’s been a really busy summer for me so far, playing gigs all over the world, working on new tracks, and spending time with the family.
P&S: So apart from this visit to London, are you based out in Ibiza again for the season?
This year we are doing things a bit different. I have a residency at Space this year on Monday nights. I also decided to take Release Yourself on the road with residencies in Mykonos, Ireland, Miami, Ibiza, London and Las Vegas. So, yes I am based out in Ibiza for the season but it seems like sometimes I’m only there long enough to change the clothes in my luggage.
P&S: How are you finding it over there and have you seen much of a change over the last few years?
I’ve seen the island have its ups and downs, and at the moment the island is on a rise again. With the help of David Guetta making house music a fixture on radios in homes throughout the world, it has brought more attention to the island. There is also a burst of energy on the island due to returning parties like DC10 and new venues like Ushuaia opening and existing venues such as Le Plage getting total overhauls.
P&S: Last time I saw you was at the Sandance Festival in Dubai just before I got thrown off stage and you were playing Ministry of Sound the following day. How was that and did you get any time in between apart from travelling?
Usually my touring schedule doesn’t allow me to have time to relax at such beautiful hotels like The Atlantis. The following morning I had a 9am flight to London. Maybe next time around I will have a chance to take advantage of what the Atlantis has to offer.
P&S: We also caught you at the Southport Weekender playing a classics set which was great. Was it good to dust off the vinyl for a change?
It felt really good to be able to play the music I helped break at different parts of my career. Throughout the night as I dropped songs like Alison Limerick’s-Where Love lives to Frankie’s (Knuckles)-Your Love, I actually felt like I was transported back in time and it gave me goose bumps and chills. I had such a good time that I may be planning a classics night in Ibiza this summer. We actually recorded that set from the Southport Weekender, and you can download it from my Soundcloud page ( Definitely brings back some great memories!
P&S: What setup do you currently and how do you find the constant evolution in technology?
Im actually using the Pioneer CDJ 2000’s (and four at that) which allows me to do on the spot remixing which makes every set special. It’s definitely a lot nicer for traveling! I used to have to lug around crates of records, then CDs, but now use SD cards that can fit in my pocket 😉
P&S: Tell us about the new Flashing Lights tour in your own words…
The concept of Flashing Lights came about when I took a step back and looked at my life on the road. It’s almost like every time a light flashes I find myself in a new city, playing to a new crowd, vibing off a new dance-floor. It’s the constant touring, time in the studio, and life in the club that really gave me the idea. To make each show even more unique, we created custom visuals that I am able to trigger with an iPad to sync it perfectly with the music. Each show becomes it’s own amazing one-of-a-kind party!
P&S: Sounds Good!
Catch Roger at Ministry of Sound This Saturday.
Visit for more info