Search Results for: Egg

DJs in their room, Lady GaGa, Who? Who?, Stayin UP, 20:20, Jaded

Eeee oop! Rain rain go away don’t come back another day! Its bloody August for fecks sake! Right… Can anyone please tell me why I wake up with a different Lady GaGa record in my head like, EVERY morning?!! Its becoming odd esp when I haven’t even heard any of her stuff throughout the day! Answers on […]

Tim Sheridan

Ahead of the his set at Egg on Sat 31st July, Tim Sheridan decided to feed himself to the lions… Seeing as Republik is Space Ibiza’s Saturday night sensation we thought we’d ask one of Space’s most enduring DJs a few questions from some of the facebook ravers coming out this Saturday for Kidology presents […]


Plain & Simple offer an e-flyer service for venues & promoters. Our customised mailing list software promotes your campaign to our network of clubbers and DJs compiled from subscriptions through our website over the last 10 years or from data capture/collection at events we’ve promoted/worked with. Our bounce handling scripts delete any email addresses that […]