Skew-wif at Raving Buddha | 8th October

Raving Buddha
8th Oct | 20:00-01:00

Line Up

Juan Baptiste (Wonky / FeelRealGood)
Chester Pinstripe Sealy
Adam Mitchell
full lineup to be confirmed…


Back Once Again…

After a thoroughly entertaing evening back at the end of September, Skew-Wif returns to the Raving Buddha for more of what you like, missus.

For this event we will be bringing you a complex array of musical styles in the dance genre, with the enphasis on some unexpected and off the wall numbers…. To put it bluntly people, expect Tribal/Tech wrongness all night. After the response to September’s Old School event we might even throw down a few special numbers as a treat as well…

Spinning the not right noise on the night will be:

Juan Baptiste (Wonky / FeelRealGood)
Chester Pinstripe Sealy
Adam Mitchell
full lineup to be confirmed…

Please feel free to come along and join the madness!

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