Pangaea ‘Viaduct’


Pangaea / Viaduct

Vinyl / Digital 

Hessle Audio / Released June 2013


Here’s proof the Hessle audio bossman has an incredible ear for production quality, if it were needed. Three heavy sluggers are presented, all informed to varying degrees by hardcore breaks, techno, and UK bass. Few surprises then, nevertheless the trio are still refreshing to the ear and full of curve balls.

Broken beats abound, from the opening drums of Viaduct to the closing tones on Razz, there’s an unabashed up front mentality here that’s hard to get away from, and impossible to dislike. Everything sounds solid but gloriously inviting, and although the package comprises entirely ‘big’ tunes there’s patience evident in the production that elevates this EP well above ‘just another set of bangers’ status. Percussion steps up a gear gradually, rhythms roll relentlessly until delayed drops finally appear, and although decidedly raw, jacking and warehousey, the triplet guarantee some fist thumping dancefloor hypnosis. Top marks all round.
