This Saturday 30th June, Poker Flat return for the second Showcase of the series in London after the first sell out party in February. Steve Bug will once again be taking the reins and play 2 sets – 1 daytime terrace set and 1 night warehouse session, whilst being joined by another carefully crafted line up including The Jackathon’s head honcho Heidi, H.O.S.H, Alex Niggemann, Jamie Anderson, and Dan Berkson & James What who will perform live all in a secret East London location hosting a daytime terrace party & night warehouse session.
The carefully picked terrace/warehouse venue will provide the perfect summer twist to the world famous Poker Flat showcases. With state of the art sound, out-of-sight production and music to match, many thought the first party couldn’t be over shone but come and see it happen.
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We have x2 pairs of VIP tickets to give away to this special event. All you need to do to enter is answer the following question:
‘What is the name of the Poker Flat label’s boss?’ is it:
(a) Richie Hawtin
(b) Steve Bug
(c) Matthias Tanzmann
Send an email with either (a), (b) or (c) your FULL NAME plus “POKERFLAT” in the subject line to:
Names will be drawn on Thursday 28th June