Plain & Simple

Things to do in January (when you’re dead)

Wow. How is your head today? A little worse for wear perhaps?

We can all rest safe in the knowledge that tomorrow we benefit from the New Year falling on a Saturday. Or at least the majority of us do, what with the extra Bank Holiday starting 2011 off in somewhat apt, nothing to do but recover style.

Where did your Friday night end up? Or perhaps more appropriately, has it even really finished yet? There’s a lot to be said for the commitment that goes into a fully-fledged annual blow out such as this. Because while there are plenty of disappointments, bank balance horrors and overcrowded drinking haunts to deal with, it’s also one of those times when people adopt a ‘might as well attitude’- whether that’s drinking past 1am with the folks, or making it past 1pm in the pub once the sun has come up.

We’re entering a very special time for the nocturnally natured. Some call it a lull, we think it’s more like hibernation. It’s a long slog between February and December. Happenings in UK clubs start to get serious pretty quickly, and that’s before you even consider the first major tear up of the year, Bloc Weekend, descends on our calendar come early March. All this points to one thing: January is a rare opportunity to rest, so if you need to, use it.

There are plenty of people who’ll still be looking for something to do in the first four weeks of this year, and more power to them. But then there are those who feel the aching in their back from too much jacking, sore feet from too much stomping, and weak heads from too much bass(ing?). We say Happy New Year to all of you, and here’s hoping it holds with it everything that could (realistically) be expected. The thought of continuing to provide your-lovely-loyal-selves with the latest reviews, news and thoughts on all manner of things that go bump in the night over the next 12 months has us hugely excited. After all, it’s what we love. So thanks for your support, and help in doing it.

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